Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Making a trip to Smashing Magazine always means an hour if not more of internet browsing. It is amazing how they churn out relevant and interesting content post after post. One of the posts that I came across today was on wireframing and lists several interesting resources on the topic. Wireframing is a topic of interest for me and I came across the following interesting tidbits:

1. The ‘boxing glove’ method: Use Post-It’s for each page as the smaller page size forces you to concentrate on the bigger picture and also anyone can participate.

2. SEO Wireframing: http://www.seomoz.org/ugc/seo-wireframing

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flunking Flex : Another Random Day

Trying to develop my content in Illustrator and exporting them as symbols to be used as content in the Doodlepad.

Apparently not working because they are being read as AVM1. This isn’t an acceptable solution yet (sigh): http://paulofierro.com/archives/513/

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Image Spacing in HTML E-mails in Hotmail

This post sums it up pretty well:


You need to add a ‘display:block’ style attribute to all the images.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Flunking Flex: Day X

Long hiatus (which means things were going okay thus far)

Learnt that containers that support absolute positioning of children do not support the padding attribute.


TextArea don’t autosize and one needs ActionScript to achieve that :(



If you’re trying to add a padding to the labels in a TabBar, styling the TabBar styleName won’t work, you need the assign a ‘tabStyleName’ and then apply padding to the labels.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Flunking Flex : Day 2

1. The bold font weight: Was still struggling with the font-weight issue on a button. The problem was that while the font was being applied to my TabBar after setting the Button font-weight to normal, on the active tab, there was still no text appearing since that was still bold. I finally found a solution but not before trying all kinds of random things – talk about taking the long route.

I set out solving the problem with the Button. Looked through available attributes that I can set through CSS – to no avail. Trying adding a font as an .swf – again to no avail. Then i googled away and found a solution which required editing the Font in a Font Editor and then setting the sub-family to bold. [http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2007/03/bitmap_fonts_in.html] That worked after much trial and error. Finally I decided it was time to post my Flex woes online for the day and realised I was approaching the problem from the wrong end.

I needed to set the font weight on the active tab.

Thus all I needed was adding this to my TabBar CSS declaration: selectedTabTextStyleName:"activeTab"; and then apply a normal weight to the activeTab.

2. What to use for styling?

There are too many ways to do things in Flex – all slightly inflexible. I’m unable to decide if I should use Degrafa, if I should use Illustrator or if I should use Photoshop to create my button skins. Guess, I better take an evolutionary approach to this one – so do the one that does the job right now – and worry about maintainability and size later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flunking Flex

1. Degrafa (Yay!) Using Degrafa in CSS to specify gradient fills and selectively round corners (makes life incredibly convenient)http://www.mikehuntington.com/?p=31 [Advanced CSS with Degrafa]

2. fontWeight on Button: You embed a font and then apply it to a Button and a Label. It works on the Label but not on the Button. Why so? Perhaps you embedded a normal weight font, but did not specify fontWeight:normal on the Button. Since, the default fontWeight on your button is bold, and your embedded font isn’t, you need to explicitly add fontWeight:normal to your Button style. Damn! hours wasted on this. [http://viconflex.blogspot.com/2006/11/deal-with-embedded-fonts-buttons-and.html] and more hilariously[http://polygeek.com/496_flex_issues-with-embeding-fonts-for-buttons-in-flex]

3. TabBar extends Button: You create a TabBar and gave it a nice new font. It doesn’t work. You scroll through your CSS and see you haven’t declared a style on the TabBar any-fucking-where. After an hour of trying stuff that even you know is inane, and deleting several parts of your CSS – you find a style declaration you had given in the beginning of the project : the Button component. Turns out the TabBar extends the Button component and this style will override a fontFamily applied to the TabBar separately.

4. Disappearing Flex Builder: Flex Builder 3, Project > Properties > Flex Build Path = Empty Screen in Vista x64. http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FB-12239

5. Hope this isn’t true: “Scale 9. As I wrote about in Introduction to Flex 2, the big difference between skins and background images is that you can use scale 9 on your skins to let one image work in many different sizes without looking awkward. But for whatever reason, and nobody ever tells you this, you can’t use scale 9 with assets embedded from symbols in SWFs. It just doesn’t work. Regardless of whether you build the guides in Flash yourself, or write them in the embed tag. If you want to use scale 9 in your skins, pull them in as PNGs, and use the all-but-hidden embed “grid” attributes:” from [http://dispatchevent.org/roger/flex-3-tips-tricks-and-gotchas-a-series/]. yflexskin.swf seems to work okay – so I’m hopeful.

Friday, April 3, 2009

IA diagrams

A visual vocabulary for describing information architecture and interaction design: http://www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab/

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lessons in Web Design – ‘dihari baandhna mat bhoolo’

In Indian parlance, dihari is the daily wage you pay a wage worker. That is exactly what we are as web designers and subsequent to some one of my projects not going well, these are some lessons I’ve learnt and would like to share.

1. People don't know what they want. Resist giving a quote until this is figured out in a significant detail.
2. People don't understand why are they being charged as much as they get charged.
3. Don't undersell yourself (Do #2).
4. Disclaimers and scope are more important than you think.
5. A few hours spent earlier will save you spending several hours later.
6. Never start working without an advance.

1. People don't know what they want. 80% of the time people just know that they want a website, but they don't know a) what they want in it b) what they want to achieve with it or c) even what it should look like.

Thus it's very important to help them think through this to simplify your work in the future. Using one of my projects as an example:
a) The number of features needed kept increasing. Music on the home page, a small Javascript tool, additional pages, an 'offer of the month' section etc. Now our obvious reaction is - mat karo, this is not what we had been decided, however, from the client’s perspective, who is starting a new business - and constantly coming up with new ideas this is completely natural. However, if the details had been worked out in the beginning, it would be easy to charge extra for any new features requested later.
b) The number of design iterations were more than 4-5, and were still not approved. Again, by reining in the tendency to design and concentrating on content first would reduce this. A book I read recently (Head First Design), also recommends using a lot of paper before going ahead with an actual mock-up in Photoshop.

2. People don't understand our work. Unfortunately, unlike the print business where a 'unit' is very clear (per sheet, per mug etc.), we guys sell 'hours'. Plus, our hours are spent on various activities: design, converting design to HTML, resizing images, checking if this works across all browsers etc. It is of the utmost importance to tell your client how this process works, because otherwise they will always think that they are being overcharged. Spend some time breaking down the hours that will go into each module of the website, once you're through #1 above. This is true even when you're not charging your customer per hour. Work out the dihari.

3. Don't undersell. You will definitely get a project if you quote less. But the question is, 'Why should you quote less?'. I think the popular wisdom is that 'people buy things that are inexpensive'. The popular wisdom misses one very important element - 'Whose money is it?'. People will always buy something that gives them the maximum value for their money. Thus, if you have #2 covered, you will stop underselling yourself. The notion that your client may have is - 'I can get the same thing done cheaper'. Your answer shouldn't be 'Oh. Okay, I'll do it at that price', it should be 'Sure, you can. And you should.' and then tell them what all they should look out for in this new vendor. Even if you don't get the project, the client should go away thinking that he has learnt something from you (e.g. how to evaluate the next vendor).

4. Disclaimers and scope. After you have worked out the client requirements and said anything more is chargeable, reiterate the point, reiterate the extra hours you will put in if the requirements change. Keep it transparent - and your life will be easy.

5. Hours saved. Again, if I had done #1,#2,#3 and #4, we would not have spent additional hours on the mentioned project, and when I woud’ve, I would have charged money for it.

6. Money in advance. I started working on two projects after a verbal commitment. This was mostly because I thought that we didn't have a body of work in website development and so the first bit of work, e.g. the design mock-up would convince the client that we mean business, that the project is on and they would be confident about our capability to finish the project. It was a way of giving the client a sample piece of work so that they 'buy-in'.

I still say 'do something so that the customer buys-in'. But let that be #1 above. You have helped your client figure out what they want - and that's good enough - you have already given them a service. If they need more, ask them to pay up first.

Don't be embarrassed about asking for money (as long as you have #2 covered, that'd never be a problem) – this in fact (to not be embarrassed) is an important person lesson for me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Black Border on input tags in IE6/IE7

Apparently, the solution is to give the border to another element wrapping the input and set the input border to 0.


Too late for me now, guess will have to live with the fuglies in IE6/IE7.

Also, haven’t found a way to remove the default padding inside the <input> tag!